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Back to School: Protecting Young Spines and Nervous Systems

happy-smiling-teens-sq-400As the back-to-school season is rapidly approaching, shopping for backpacks and other school supplies is a time-honored tradition that children look forward to. Whether backpacks are adorned with superheroes, princesses, or cool designs, one thing they have in common is they’re often much too heavy for kids to carry.

Many kids tote hefty backpacks, which could wreak havoc on young spines. The spine is still developing during childhood and adolescence, making it especially vulnerable to the stresses and strains of improper backpack use.

Here’s what you can do to support your child’s spine health:

1. Choose the Right Backpack: Opt for a backpack ergonomically designed, with adjustable shoulder straps, a padded back, and multiple compartments for even weight distribution. Encourage your child to use both shoulder straps to prevent excessive strain on one side of the body.

2. Watch the Weight: Ensure your child’s backpack weight is appropriate for their age and size. A general guideline is that the backpack should not exceed 10-15% of the child’s body weight. Excessive weight can strain the spine and lead to postural imbalances or discomfort.

3. Proper Packing: Teach your child to pack their backpack thoughtfully. Place heavier items closer to the back, evenly distributing the weight. Encourage them to only carry necessary items to minimize the load.

4. Promote Good Posture: Emphasize the importance of maintaining proper posture while wearing the backpack. Encourage your child to stand tall, with shoulders back and relaxed, and to use both straps to evenly distribute the weight.

Help Your Child Have a Healthy & Happy School Year

Pediatric chiropractic care can help your kids enjoy better health and potentially fewer sick days. Children who receive regular chiropractic care often reap benefits such as better sleep, improved concentration, and so much more.

So be sure to put a chiropractic visit on your back-to-school to-do list! Call (303) 998-1000 to book an appointment!

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